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ACT Mini-Course

Do you want to learn more about Acceptance and Commitment Therapy? Then join me in my mini course where I show you how to defuse from difficult thoughts, get better at accepting unwanted emotions, and gain more clarity around your goals and values.

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New Projects

A whole new way to practice therapy

Reach into your clients’ life, keep them motivated outside of session, uncover their most important processes, and help them practice the skills for a meaningful life.

The case conceptualization tool

Learn your clients’ challenges and coping strategies, and how they relate to their personal goals and interests. Understand your clients better than they do themselves, with just a push of a button.

Online Courses

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Learn Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Dive deep into Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and learn how to read the six psychological flexibility processes and target them with a wide range of exercises. Through several real-play therapy sessions, clinical tapes, and exercises, Dr. Hayes demonstrates first-hand how to skillfully apply ACT with clients.

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Bridge the gap between theory and practice

See ACT "in action" through extensive real-play and role-play exercises. This course provides you with cutting-edge diagnostic and case conceptualization tools to help you apply ACT with greater confidence and creativity – even in complex cases – and be more effective at creating lasting change in the lives of those you serve.

ACT Foundations for Behavior Analysts

This course, created by—and for—behavior analysts, is designed to provide you with a solid understanding of acceptance and commitment training (ACT) along with practical steps for integrating it into your practice, so you can address the most challenging behaviors with confidence.


Upcoming Workshops

ACT BootCamp® – Seattle

Led by ACT master trainers, Steven C. Hayes, Kelly Wilson, and Robyn Walser, this essential workshop has been the foundation of ACT training for thousands of practitioners. Whether you’re hearing about ACT for the first time or already have formal training, this workshop can take your skills to the next level.

ACT BootCamp for Behavior Analysts

Join this 4-day workshop for Behavior Analysts with many leading ACT experts in Behavior Analysis, including ACT co-founder, Steven C. Hayes, and more.

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Blog Articles

How to Stop Being an Impostor

Going Beyond Persistent Self-Doubts and Reclaiming Your Story

6 Signs That You’re Stuck in a Negative Narrative

How to Overcome The Story of “Not Good Enough”

The Power of Writing About Your Values

A simple exercise to rediscover your purpose and find meaning